Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good Bye 2009~~Welcome 2010

The Last Day in 2009... Good Bye... Sorry to those who i had hurt... Sorry to those who worry about me... Thanks to those who being me friends... Thanks to those who help me a lot... Thanks to those who shared with me... Thanks to those who teach me... Thanks... Thanks to all... Thanks to all the thing that happen in 2009... No matter good or bad... No matter who bring that to me... Thanks for make it being part of my life... Is time to say Good Bye to 2009... A year that challenging to me... A year that bring me a lot of happiness and also sadness... Good Bye~~ And Welcome 2010... It must be another great year for me...^^ No more good luck this year, because there is no luck... All the thing come because of what we had done... not because of luck... so....~~ All The Best~~!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


我最幸福的事, 当过你的天使... 我还记得你为我做过的事, 为我唱过的歌... 你并没有如你我所言, 你并没有离开... 在我铁心离开后... 你却继续的守候在我的身旁, 为的是什么?? 补偿吗?? 我不需要... 那时候, 你和她是幸福的... 可是, 在我最需要你的时候... 你总会恰巧的待在我的身边, 为我挡风遮雨... 原本已经决定的心, 又再一次的泛起涟漪... 我不应该, 不应该破坏你和她... 一次又一次的想拒绝你的陪伴, 但是我却不忍心让这所剩的幸福从我指尖中溜走... 我犹豫... 我该争取你吗?? 就在此时, 你告诉我你对她而言就如同幻有... 你们生活得并不愉快... 你从没打算给她什么... 我怀疑自己... 我该像她那样趁虚而入吗?? 我已经不知道自己在做什么了... 你瞒着她, 来到我眼前只为了逗我笑... 你骗着她, 为了陪我逛街... 你对她说谎, 为了和我旅行... 你对她隐瞒我们莫名的关系... 你对她撒慌大家没有联络... 一直到现在, 她还被蒙在鼓里... 我们都明白, 之间不止朋友... 我们都了解, 彼此之间的想法... 不要说穿, 只因为说穿了; 我们都不懂该如何解决眼前的尴尬... 只有隐瞒, 只有让时间为我们解决... 唯有欺骗, 欺骗自己的情感... 现在的快乐, 现在就拥有... 明天的忧愁, 就留给明天... 句点, 仿佛还离很远...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


天气晴, 心情却是低落的... 每一天, 行尸走肉... 为了见你一面, 我用尽办法... 记得, 那一夜... 狂风暴雨... 闪电打雷... 你狠心把我拒诸于门外... 因为她就在车内, 是吧? 为了她, 你忍心让我独自一人走在那寂寞的黑夜... 为了她, 你忍心让我一人去面对外面的世界... 为了她, 你放弃了所有东西就算你的事业... 为了她, 你舍弃了我们多年的爱和关怀... 那一夜后, 我只能默默的祝福你和她... 因为同情, 我选择不再出现... 不敢再打扰你的生活... 委屈时候没有你陪在我身旁... 望着你, 却望不穿你的心... 齐人之福并不易享... 难道, 你真的想如此吗?? 那我宁愿你狠心离开我... 长痛不如短痛... 放手, 对我是种解脱... 决定了离开... 离开这不属于我的爱情世界... 故事并没有就此结束... 后续依然很远...

Monday, December 28, 2009


外面下着的是冰冷的雨... 脸庞上炽热的是我的泪... 你好吗?? 这样的夜, 让我想起你离开的时候... 多么的不舍, 又如何? 再多的遗憾, 还是回不了头... 记得你曾说过, 爱我依然; 无论未来如何... 别过头, 你却琵琶别抱; 叫我怎能不痛心难过? 你忘了你的诺言... 我去难以忘怀... 你丢了你的记忆... 我却记忆犹新... 忘不了, 忘不了那一天你和她出现在我的面前... 那时, 我还不知情... 傻呼呼的... 结果, 原来站在面前的你们已经公开了... 更忘不了, 那一夜你拒绝了我全只为了赴她的约... 她只是最无辜的第三者... 但是, 原谅却是种奢侈... 是伤害吗?? 还是自找的?? 我执着... 我坚决... 我相信... 你会回来的... 而今, 回来了... 我却怀疑自己... 还是爱吗?? 还是因为爱不到?? 是同情吗?? 还是因为感情?? 故事还没有结束... 依然进行着那未完, 待续~~

my Last semester...

i think i should appreciate it and 珍惜 my last semester... but seem like my last semester is going to torture me a lot... i never been having Friday class in my past 5 semester... and now... i have it... and the same lecturer bring me Saturday class too... mean, this semester i have to study for 6 days per week... oh my god... in my past semester i will at least had one day in weekday which is no class at all... but now on... i just left my Sunday for my free time... and i still have to complete my final year project... Haiz... but what to do?? we have to pay if we wish to learn something... pay it with my time, this the only thing i have to pay... hope that i can cope all the stress, all the assignment, all the test in this semester... i must complete it... even though i sure cannot graduate as First Class Honors but i still have to do my best...!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Something Good to Share It~~

Don't let someone become a priority in your life, When you are just an option in their life... Relationship work best when there are balance... Never explain yourself to anyone~~ Because the person who likes you doesn't need it, And the person who dislikes you wont believe it... When u keep saying you are busy, Then you are never free... When you keep saying you have no time, Then you will never have time... When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, Then your tomorrow will never come... When we wake up in the early morning, we have two simple choices... Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams... Choice is yours~~ We make them cry who care for us, We cry for those who never cry for us, And we care for those who will never cry for us This is the truth of life, its strange but true Once you realise this, its never too late to change... Don't make promise when you are in joy, Don't reply when you are sad, Don't take decision when you are angry. Think twice, act wise... Time is like a river, You cannot touch the same water twice, because the water that had passed will never pass again... Enjoy every moment of life~~ First i was dying to finish my high school and start college... And then i was dying to finish college and start working... Then i was dying to marry and have children... And then i was dying for my children to grow old enough so i could go back to work... But then i was dying to retired... And now i am dying... And suddenly i realized i forgot to live... Please don't let this happen to you, Appreciate your current situation and enjoy each day...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lonely Christmas....

is Chrstmas again...
well, i dint celebrate Christmas every year, so i think this year also will the same...
stay at home and do nothing...
sometimes, really dint understand why...
there always will be so crowded during Christmas eve and also on the Christmas day... can someone tell me why??
a lonely Christmas...
i don't like clubbing, i hate to be jam with other people, i don't like stuck myself in the traffic jam...
sometimes feel that is it myself is a boring people...??
can all my friends answer me this??
i really don't know...
people around are busy to prepare the Christmas present started few week ago...
but until today, i could never bought a Christmas present to my love one...
feel shy about this...ha ha...
so should i prepare it this year??
will it too late for me to go to shopping complex and buy it now??
i think yes, so i decide not to buy it again this year... ha ha ha ha...
anyway, wish all my dearest friends a wonderfull and Merry X'mas....
and Happy New Year too...
wish all dreams will come true in this coming new year~~!!

Monday, December 21, 2009


小孩子们的天真无邪, 有时还蛮令我羡慕的... 他们希望与世无争... 他们以为会被保护... 他们以为只要自己不去争吵, 别人也不会对他们怎样... 但是, 世界是残酷的... 并不会有完美的事情... 别人说什么, 他们就听什么... 不去思考, 不去想, 不去烦恼, 不去管... 只单纯的相信别人所说的每一句话... 就算有一天, 外人被揭穿了, 他们依然坚持相信外人的一言一语... 天真啊...!! 世界上竟还有如此天真的小孩子... 难道, 你们也天真的以为霸着所有东西... 它就会永远是你的吗?? 你以为, 它会为你带来快乐?? 或是会为你带来未来?? 你们只是外人手上的一颗棋子~~!!! 醒醒吧...~~ 这世上不会有永恒, 既不能赚钱; 又伤神的事情... 你们也依然坚决不放?? 或许, 误会早已充斥着你们的心... 好言相劝, 换来的是你们不削的眼神... 离开是最好的选择... 是非地并非每个人都能够长期逗留着的... 唯有祝你们好运... 今非昔比...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

PELTAC 2009~~

at first, why will i be i this camp?? i think it was just because it is free for me, and i wish to take this opportunity to visit to UTM as well... hehe... and finally, i am there for the PELTAC 2009... when i saw the PELTAC tentative in the first day morning, i am quite shock... oh my god~~ this six days camp almost full with all the talk and seminar, a bit regret to be there on that time... but, what to do?? just continue and try my best to persuade myself to 'enjoy' the camp lo... everyday, we have to line up to get into hall for seminar, line up to walk from a place to another, line up to take our meal, line up to wait for others, line up... line up... line up... just a kinder garden student, we line up everyday, every moment during the camp... if we dint line up, then... simon and michelle and joseph will come to us... haha...~~ but, anyway... this was a good memory for me even though i lazy to line up every time... all the speaker are great... it was not as how i think before... they able to get my concentrate on them when they talk in front every time... and i learn a lot from the speaker... "stop bangau-ing", praise other then you will get praise by someone too, do and say something that is positive, ... , ... , .......... and more and more... i fly for the first time in my life during this camp... i had the chance to play flying fox... it is great... thanks for all the committee for bring us such nice memory... finally, we have to leave... we all are PELTACers after this camp... i know a lot of new friends during this camp... from unimap, from uum, from usm, from um, from ukm, from utm... thanks for those who are helping me a lot during this camp... Group 3 : i am here to say sorry, if i had do something wrong during PELTAC 2009... and proud that we are all brave, strong and the best ANTS... hehe... ~~ keep in touch and all the best ya... OCs : thanks for giving all of us such a great PELTAC 2009... i will never forget about it... PELTAC 2009... you all are the best... there are still a lot and a lot of name that i wish to thanks here... Kevin : thanks for your support through out the whole camp... Shirley : thanks for buy me the breakfast when i am first day in UTM... Christopher : thanks for be my good leader... Grace : thanks for being my roommate during PELTAC... Director : thanks for fetched me and others to bus station after the camp... San San : thanks for helping me carry my huge luggage on the last day... and others... thanks to all of you... Thank You~~~ Keep in touch....^^ Professional Engineering Leadership Teamwork Awareness Camp We are PELTACers... We've come so far and there's still a long long way to go... And in the end, hand in hand... We will get there...

Monday, December 14, 2009

We Will Get There~~~~~

Remember the days, We sat out together with faith? Remember the times, so fine, When we thought that nothing could stand in our way? Then thing weren't the same, The life that we knew had to change We've struggled through the darkest storms, We thought we couldn't tame Together we've tried, As we stood side by side I knew we'd build a new world, A world of hope forever after Deep in my heart I just know, Right from the start we will grow Look where we are, We've come so far and there's still a long long way to go All of my heart, I will care. I'll play my part, I will share With family and friends, together we'll stand And in the end, hand in hand We will get there So now we begin, working together to win Believing in trust, it must be possible to overcome anything. There's so much to do, There's so much we can contribute by sharing just a little love, We will start again a new So why don't we try? If we stand side by side I know we'll build a new world A world of hope forever after Deep in my heart I just know, Right from the start we will grow Look where we are, We've come so far and there's still a long long way to go All of my heart, I will care I'll play my part, I will share With family and friends. together we'll stand And in the end, hand in hand Deep in my heart I just know, Right from the start we will grow Look where we are, We've come so far and there's still a long long way to go All of my heart, I will care I'll play my part, I will share With family and friends, together we'll stand And in the end, hand in hand We Will Get There~~~~~

Thursday, December 3, 2009


原来一切的代价是那么的大... 天下绝对没有百吃的午餐... 没一件事情你都必须为它付出沉重的代价... 就算是人命... 你一样得给它一个很大的回报... 短短的几天里... 发生了很多事情... 有欢笑; 有泪水; 有开心; 有伤心... 悲欢离合; 阴晴阳缺... 时间主宰命运... 命运却被握在不知名的人的手里... 只差一秒, 已经足够带走我的性命... 但, 老天让我活了下来... 那么, 这一次又能够活多久呢??


为什么总是这样? 难道就没有转机吗? 是注定吗? 还是天意? 缘分总是捉弄着大家... 明明是那么容易解决的问题, 却一而再; 再而三受到阻挡... 明明已经雨过天晴了, 却又来了一场大雨... 明明目的地就在眼前, 却被突如其来的车辆阻挡去路... 明明都在意对方, 却因为生气而无法言语表达...