Monday, November 23, 2009


almost one week i dint update my blog here... quite a long time dint look at my friends facebook profile and blog... just realize that my friends all are so happy in their life, maybe they had change. but as what i saw, at least they are happy about that. good luck to them... sometime i ask, why other people can be so happy?? why they are so lucky, can get someone that love them a lot in their life...?? but why i cant?? is it because of what i request are so and so hard to get it?? is it because of myself?? is it just because i cant release myself from the past?? can i to be selfish?? i just want to forget all the past... i just wish to get a new life... i just wish to have a new heart... i cant stay with something inside my heart now... i cant control my mind sometimes... sorry... sometimes, i dint care about what you think also... sometimes, i forget about what you care and i just remember how deep is my injured... sometimes, i believe others more than you... sometimes, i forget to ask about you while i just blame that you dint care about me... sometimes, i could not forget about the past and let it interrupt our life... sorry, dear...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

give up!!!

I hate u!!! why will become like this?? i hate u!!! FINE!!! i had give up!! i have no confidence anymore!! my first presentation just gone like that!! i really don't know how face my next presentation!!! am i do anything wrong?? why the question are so difficult in such way?? we are just in the first stage!!! we are not yet in the final stage of our FYP!!! we are not professor as how u are!!! it is not fair!!! sorry, hans... i dint do my best in this presentation, hope that it wont affect you.... so sorry....

Monday, November 16, 2009


终于过了,但是还有明天的 presentation... 我能吗?? 太过放纵了, 这次的成绩应该是没有眼看了... 只希望明天不会有丢脸的事情发生吧... 就这样... 一个学期又过了, 没有什么特别... 平平淡淡的... 读书, 测验, 假期, 读书, 测验, 期末考也过了... 接下来的, 又是大假期... 但是, 这个假期即将有个"营"陪我过... 我想应该不会很孤单吧...^^ 不过, 想到必须离开家那么远... 开始有点害怕了... =( 怎么办???

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

失望 VS 希望

失望是种很抽象的东东... 没有希望, 或许就不会失望了... 那, 人不是就不应该有希望咯?? 什么世界啊? 其实, 只要不要希望得太高那就不会失望了... 希望可以有, 但最好是不要太高也不要太低... 恰到好处, 刚刚好的希望 LEVEL 是不会让你有太过失望甚至于绝望的感觉的... 因为就算有, 至少也不会跌得很痛啊... 你的希望有多高, 你跌下来是就会有多痛... 失望和希望是成对比的...

Monday, November 9, 2009

二十一岁, 开始咯...~~

二十一岁... 多么充满争议性的日子... 但, 我却过得平淡... 因为简单就是福... 没有太多的要求, 只希望能够开开心心的过... 没有太多的生日愿望, 只希望大家能够平安; 健康; 快乐... 人生无常... 说来就来; 说去就去... 一眨眼, 或许就是隔世... 人, 总喜欢比较... 为了什么呢?? 比输了, 你还是你; 赢了, 你也还是你... 没有什么不一样的... 走到累了, 只想能够好好的休息... 许多事情都已经不重要了... 二十一岁了, 大了吗?? 还是个小孩子?? 都一样吧... 开心才是最重要的... 答应了自己, 不要再去在意那么多... 不要让自己不开心... 不要让别人破坏了自己的心情... 嘴巴长在人家的脸上, 自己控制不了啊... 脑袋生在人家的头里, 自己看不到啊... 管他吧!!! 说多了, 别人只会继续自以为是... 别人的脸皮硬要媲美棺材板那么厚的话就随他们吧!!! 我的二十一岁... 就这样开始了... 希望是一个新的旅程吧!!! 加油!!! 加油!!! 加油!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


别再说是谁的错 让一切成灰 除非放下心中的负累 一切难以挽回 你总爱让往事跟随 怕过去白费 你总以为要体会人生 就要多爱几回 与其让你在我怀中枯萎 宁愿你犯错后悔 让你飞向梦中的世界 留我独自伤悲 与其让你在我爱中憔悴 宁愿你受伤流泪 莫非要你尝尽了苦悲 才懂真情可贵