Wednesday, January 27, 2010

我的部落格~ My Blog

很多人都说, 我爱把不开心的事情都写在部落格里. A lot of friends is complain me that i always wrote the unhappy incident in my life in my blog... 在我的部落格里, 好难看到开心的事情. in my blog, is hard for the reader to get something that positive and happy. 其实, 不是因为我经常不开心. actually, not because of i always not happy. 而是, 因为我喜欢把不开心的事情都发泄在自己的"笔"下. but, is because i like to write out all the unhappy thing in my life. 希望透过这里, 能够把我所有的不开心都丢掉, 丢到远远的... this the way that i try to use to throw away all my unhappy... 1. 最近都没什么特别的事情发生. 1. nothing special that happen on me recently. 没什么不开心. nothing unhappy. 上课, 每天都一样. class, everyday same. 考试, 依旧是明天考今天读. exam, still is tomorrow exam tonight study hard. 功课, 依然是明天交今天抄. assignments, also is tomorrow pass up tonight copy. 每天对着电脑, 除了无聊还是无聊. everyday sit infront of my labtop, doing nothing and nothing. 2. 终于拥有了自己的照相机咯... 哈哈... 2. finally, i own myself a camera... 好开心哦, 就是拿着照相机到处乱拍咯... i am happy with this, and always hang around with my new camera and take a lot of photo... 就象个白痴~~ 嘻嘻 just like a stupid... 睡觉了啦... sleep lo... 累了~ is tired~~

Monday, January 18, 2010

What a FRIEND means?

What a FRIEND means? I treat you all as my beloved friends, i never wish to make enemy with you all. It was hurt when i realize that there are no friendship between us in your thinking. Why you like to make enemy in a society? Do you think that you will success by making enemy? I had tell you all a lot, but you all never want to believe on me. Even believe, there is a lie in between also. So, i trust you all. But... For me, a lot of thing happen recently. And i know, it all maybe are under your planning. For you all, i guess you all are celebrate and happy about this. Do you think that, you are success? You dint know that, what is the thing happen around. And i know that, sometimes i use a loud and angry tone to talk with you all. But you all never listen to it, i don't know why. Maybe there are some conflict. And maybe you are right and i was wrong. It doesn't matter anymore for me. Just to advice that, don't happy with what you are having now. And a soft reminder for you all, you all are not qualified in anything. Even the attire, you are not allow to wear it also. Because you are just at the acting position. It was so shame that, you all are the only acting officer within all the group. If you thought that you can get thing easily and it was so nice for you to holding a position without doing anything or i should say that is doing nothing, or do the childish thing, then just continue for it. But i know that, you all are think that you all are correct all the way. And you all have a full support from your power person as well, so god bless. If you believe that you can success in such way, then continue it. Wish you all good luck, because there is no luck in our life. All the best is just keep for those who are doing the right thing and doing the thing right. I dint say that you all are wrong and i am right, but maybe we are thinking in two different way.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

IF...., THEN....

If you think that you are capable, then show it to the world; don't just keep saying that you are capable. If you think that you are clever, then use action to tell the whole world; or you will just become others joke. If you are not familiar with the stuff, then please listen to the professional; or you might be lost. If you thought that having something without work is the way, then you are wrong; you will be kick out by those who are willing to work for it. If you thought that you are right, you only right when there are a lot of people agree with you; else you are just nonsense. If you thought that you can cover the whole world by your lie, then you are totally lose; never try to lie the whole world while they maybe smart than you. If you don't know about the rule, then please ask those who are know; o you will just get scold and punishment. If you didn't have the "big hand" to complete the "big thing", then please call for help; else you will being kill by your own "big hand". If you don't know anything, then please keep your mouth shut up; or you will be laugh by those who are knowing well then you. If you love someone, then tell them; don't be late to show your love to them. If you are hate someone, then forget about that person; hate will darken your life. If you are angry about someone, then please forgive them; forgive was the thing that hard to done but you have to do it no matter how. If you don't know about what other think, then please don't simply say what they are thinking; because you might be wrong. If you don't understand why, then ask; only question will bring the answer to you. Don't underestimated other, while you are just a new guy over there. Don't tease other, because you don't know that is there anyone teasing you behind too.

Monday, January 11, 2010


利用, 本是这世界上应存的道理... 有谁, 没被别人利用过? 而又有谁, 没利用过任何人? 只是, 在被人利用的同时, 你是否又有本事扭转局面... 让自己也能够从中受利, 而且成功过利用你的人?? 我从不认输... 无论怎样, 认输并不是我的本性... 刚好的是, 我也没有输过... 庆幸的是, 所有的局面都在我的控制范围里... 而没有人能够看清... 可能, 我真的被人利用过... 但是, 至少我最后得到的比他们还多... 算起来, 我还是赢的那个... 我承认我的好强... 我从不低头... 得不到的, 我偏偏就要... 得到的, 我偏偏会更加珍惜... 可是, 我很想脱离这现实的世界... 尔虞我咋, 根本不适合我... 这并不是我的生存之道... 做好事, 存好心, 说好话... 希望我有一天能够做到这 "三好" ... 希望有一天, 世界不再有欺骗和互相利用的事情...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

整个世界都睡了... 我还清醒... 在这寂寞的凌晨... 我试着努力的不去想你... 我倔强的不去承认... 我还是一样必须接受... 耻笑, 由得他人... 只有不懂得爱的人, 才会觉得自己是愚昧的... 因为你不曾真的爱过, 所以你介意别人的眼光... 最后, 我离开了... 真的离开了... 所有的过去都不会回来... 有些事只能收在记忆里... 从已经失去的爱, 感受起从未失去的爱... 把记忆锁进内心最深... 自由的心... 是开心的; 是欢笑的; 是快乐的; 是舒服的... 在这你所谓的游戏里, 我并没有输掉任何东西... 我只输了友谊... 一些, 我以为是朋友的人... 旁观者都以为, 最后的大输家是我... 但, 我想只有你和我清楚的知道... 最后, 输得最多的那个并不是我... 而是, 那些在身边利用我的人... 那无辜的第三者... 那些把我当笑柄的人... 我只能一笑置之... 他们的愚昧... 他们的无知... 我甘拜下风... 我们的回忆, 只能收着... 我自由了... 你, 却又被另一场所谓的爱纠缠着... 庆幸自己能够及早离开这是非地... 让所有的过去都如同幻影... 自由自在的飞... 努力的实践我的梦... P/S: 本故事纯属虚构, 如有雷同, 纯属巧合. 谢谢, 所有关心我的人... 我现在很好, 别担心...

Friday, January 8, 2010


泪, 干了...
我知道, 你和她在一起了...
你的选择是什么, 我已经清楚...
结局, 已经不重要了...
我却却实实... 累了...
生理上的疲倦, 可以用休息... 用睡眠来补偿...
心理的累, 却永远补偿不了...
你离我而去, 因为要陪她... 你在来到我身边之前, 才刚和她话别... 你和她, 两人去看电影... 你和她, 两人去喝茶... 你和她, 两人去做过很多我们以前的傻事... 你和她, 经历了许多... 许多我给不到你的... 你对她的关怀, 你对她的体贴, 你对她的容忍... 我都一一看在眼里... 虽然, 你对她也有很多不满... 但是, 你心甘情愿... 别再找借口了... 我都知道, 你和她所做过什么你都不避违的告诉我... 身边也有许多友人向我报告... 我还真的该谢谢你们, 不然我还真不知道... 这世界的渺小, 朋友对我的关怀... 才分手, 何必对我太残忍?? 但是, 当爱成往事... 所有的话, 都会变得尴尬... 我们的矛盾... 已经不能解决... 我的希望只是奢望...

Monday, January 4, 2010


她并没有离开你... 她还一直守着你... 你说, 你选择了... 你说, 你离开了... 为什么我总是被选择的那个? 为什么你总是扮演着选择的角色? 我静静的... 我默默的... 累了... 不想再做些什么... 是你的就是你的... 不是你的, 就算争取了也得不到... 听天由命, 是我唯一能选的... 她... 我愧疚... 因为是我们害了她... 无辜的, 莫名其妙的... 卷入了我们的纠纷... 但是, 她的无理... 却让我反感... 她的作为... 让我讨厌... 虽然, 你要我帮你摆脱她... 你要我帮你打发她... 但是, 我无能为力... 我爱莫能助... 我不想插入你和她... 我已经让她失去你了... 我不想再影响你和她... 默默的想念你... 默默的祝福你... 静静的怀念我们的过去... 静静的回忆我们的点滴... 开心的; 流泪的; 惊喜的; 我都会永远记得... 只希望你能尽快回到我的身边... 继续我们的故事... 把故事的句点抛到天涯海角... 找不回来...

Saturday, January 2, 2010


她好吗?? 心中突然浮现这个问题... 似乎, 我没必要在意她... 但是, 心中却突然多了一份怜悯... 这个游戏里, 她是最无辜的... 莫名的当了第三者... 再莫名的被你抛弃... 我不懂, 你和她承诺过什么... 我不晓得你们的山盟海誓... 我不在意你和她的过去... 我不知道她的地位... 我不想和她碰面... 我不去关心她的消息... 但, 心里却觉得莫名其妙的... 怪怪的... 无辜的, 不是我... 可怜的, 不是我... 这条路, 是我的选择... 我没得怨任何人... 但是, 她呢? 在我们分开后, 她是替代我的... 但, 你对她公平过吗?? 你的工夫, 骗得了我... 因为我甘心受骗... 但, 瞒得过她吗?? 只是, 你要的根本不是她... 为什么? 你还要让她纠缠? 我知道, 她曾要你离开我... 她曾要你别再找我... 她曾要你只有她一个... 她讨厌我... 她恨我... 我并不能做什么... 每个人都有自己的选择... 既然, 我选了这条路... 我就不后悔... 但是, 未来是什么...?? 我始终看不见... 而你, 和她渐行渐远... 罪恶感; 却充斥着我的内心...


爱就是一份心甘情愿... 虽然, 故事的最后... 我竟然扮演着第三者的身份存在于你和她之间... 我并不曾后悔过什么... 我也不曾梦想得太远... 此时此刻, 是开心的... 我就无悔了... 有时, 我并不能完全的拥有你... 我不能向你撒娇... 我不能和她一样, 和你公开的走在一起... 但是, 我却满足了... 傻? 笨? 原本应该幸福的我, 竟兜了一圈... 变了身份... 只能躲在背后... 可笑吗?? 无论是否谎言... 我选择相信你... 你说的, 我就听... 不想再去思考是谁先背叛... 不能再去思考是谁先对不起谁... 不想再去有任何的想法... 只想能够开心的笑着... 冷漠... 是你对我的回应... 等待... 是我每天仅存的希望... 你说: 游戏本是这样... 如果不开心, 不满足的话... 我可以随时离开... 你当我是玩偶吗? 我却乐意当你的玩偶... 哪怕只是刹那... 等待, 是玩偶应有的条件...